Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 3: my 2nd Observation

Well this week showed many changes inside my aquarium. I noticed that there was an a sudden surplus and some creatures (some I had seen in the week before and others I had not). I was not able to take pictures this week due to a surplus of students in the lab at the same time. I did however tried to identify some of the creatures I saw this week. I believe that one of the creatures I saw was a heliozoan which literally means "sun animal" it is classified as a euglenoids. The heliozoan is a amoeba that surrounds itself with a formidable battery of needle-sharp spines that radiate from its core that act like sunbeams. These organims are found typically come from water that surrounds the edge of a pond, most likely where moss has formed.
(Information cited from:

Another organism I noticed is something that I thought was just smudges on the glass, but with a closer look I realized that it could be what is called chaos carolinensis which is a amoeba. The amoeba is considered one of the most primitive due its form of locomotion. By extanding cyptoplasm outward to form a pseudopodia or false feet. These are used for feeding and making oxygen.
(Information cited from:
I noticed tons of other organisms in my aquarium however I was unable to identify them. But I will focus more on trying to pinpoint their idenity next week. Aslo I noted that I did not see any of the Cyclops that were in the aquarium last week. Corneliuys the fluke was still hanging in there, I found him where I always do; he was just hanging around the bottom feeding in the sediments there. I hope to see him still haning in there next week as well. We'll see.

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